Science has spent millions of dollars to develop the physical body of man. Additional millions have been spent developing man's intellectual processes, which are a part of his soul. But we know so little and have done so little about developing the spirit of man. However, man's spirit can be educated and improved just as his mind can be educated and improved. The spirit can be trained and built up just as the body can be built up. How? Through the study of God's Word. We cannot understand spiritual things with our natural minds. Our minds must be changed—renewed by God's power—for us to fully understand the Word of God. The Apostle Paul said, "But the natural man receiveth not [does not understand] the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned [understood]" (1 Cor. 2:14). The Word of God was given by the Spirit of God, because "... holy men of God ...