It is not good for the Christian to be alone, you need a help meet, you need assistance to grow in Christ. They are many Christians who fall along the road all because they were alone. Being alone does not mean, having nothing around you, it simply means, not having someone of your own kind. If a singer falls in the midst of actors, he becomes lonely; because he doesn’t have someone of her own kind. The dog is lonely even with its master, even if the family presents are countless, it remains lonely because they are all human; they aren’t dogs. When the dogs encounter themselves, they play around and does not feel the loneliness; because it has found its help, of the same kind. So it is for Christians, you don’t have to be alone, have a Christian partner or friend. Share your faith to increase your Christian life. We don’t have to have only unbelievers as friends, the point that you are winning souls for Christ does not means you need to be on your own. Find a Christian partner,...