
We will start this message by explaining the meaning of Woman. From childhood, my friends made me understand that, the word woman came from the words “woe” and “man”. All along I thought women were a sign of warning to men. I had conceive the fact that women are dangerous to men which isn’t true.
The Bible makes us understand that Adam called Eve woman because she was taken out of man. The book of Genesis chapter 2 verse 23 says “And Adam said, this is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of man.” This is what the Bible talks of Woman, the name means taken out of man. Other translation says, “because she came out of man.” Another tells us “she was made from man”, we see here that woman means taken out, or came from.
The idea that women are dangerous to man is false, God did not give man a harmful foe, neither did He create a demon for us. God saw that man was alone, He considered the loneness of man; man was alone. This question I really ask myself, if God said man was alone, were there not monkeys, chimpanzees where there, not excluding the tigers; yet God said man was alone.
The creation of Woman was to help man, woman was the help mate of man; she was not the devil. God said in the verse 18 that, “…it is not good that the man should be alone, I will make him a help meet for him.” the woman is a helper or an aid meet for man. She is the support for man, she did not come to cause trouble; she came to aid man.
Some Bibles make it an help mate, but vast of translation tell us an help meet. Help mate is almost the same as a meet, though they are spelt differently. The prime meaning of mate is a partner, especially in marriage; but it is used in place of friend these days. It means sexual or marriage partner (informal). You notice that woman here means wife. The correct synonym for woman is wife; when someone says “my woman is left me” he means his wife left him, not the devil.
The help meet Mostly found in the Bible means an aid. It means to encounter somebody or get together with someone. Woman is the aid meet, she is a help meet; which means when man needs help, she goes to the woman- to meet his relieve, he goes to the woman. That is who she is, she is the meet for our assistance, and she was made to propel us.
You probably never considered that of woman, she is a wife and a help meet, she represents relieve for men. Today, God wants you to know this, woman does not stand for demon or danger, and they stand for assistance, they are the solution to man's problem (help meet).


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