The word “Genesis” implies; the beginning of…., or the origin of…. And this will help us develop our Christian life. There is no doubt that man is in three dimension; spirit, soul and body. We communicate to God with our spirit, our will, emotions and intellects are through the soul and the body communicates with the physical realm. God created the man (the spirit) even before the foundation of the earth (body). He had already seen the beginning from the end.

Genesis chapter 1 will be our prime study for now. “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” (Gen. 1:1). In the very beginning of the Christianity, God created us, to fellowship with Him. That is Christianity, it is God in man, relationship between God and man, and it is man fellowshipping with God. We can term the relationship that Adam had with God as Christianity; Adam was without sin.

So God created the heaven (the spirit) first before the earth (body). There can’t be an earth without a heaven. The things of the physicals are the manifestation or reflections of the spirits. They first happen in the spirit before coming to the physical. The earth is subdued by the heaven. That is why the body is inactive when the spirit is gone; when he dies physically. “The burden of the word of the LORD for Israel, saith the LORD, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within Him.” (Zec. 12:1).

We were formed in God before he breathed us into the body. He knew us even before we clotted in our mother’s womb. Some Christians think that God is using them as a play toy, like God created us as video game characters to struggle for heaven. If we make it, fine, if not, you burn for all He cares. It is a Big nooooo!!! He didn’t create us to put us into a land of doom so He could enjoy the adventures of us struggling to come to Him.

When I was in the Junior High School, I would think of this and get scared. I used to say “why did You bring me to earth, I wish I never existed, that I have to struggle for heaven”. That was my mind set that God brought me to the earth to struggle back to Him. But He created man in His own image and likeness, why? So that He could fellowship with man. So that He could talk to man. He created man in His image not as monkeys, not as dogs, but in his own kind.

Remember when God said “it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.” (Gen. 2:18), but monkeys were around, goats and cattle were also there, yet God said man was alone --Because the creatures there weren’t of his class. They were not of his kind; not of his image and likeness. They were animals. At verse 23 of the second chapter of Genesis, Adam confirmed, “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.” This was now Adams kind of whom he could fellowship with. This confirms the fact that we are the woman of God; which will be discussed latter, because we came out of God.

God was happy to see us after he created us in his own image and likeness. To fellowship with us. To walk with us. He created the spirit of man before the body was created. In the beginning, he created the heaven and the earth. He created the spirit of man before creating the body; He had already planned for our existence before creating us.

When we talk about science and the earth, all we think is the physical things; and that is natural to everyman. But when the name Heaven is mentioned, people start thinking spiritual, that is it. He did not create heavens as popularly known as the stars and the solar system, but he created Heaven. We are spiritual beings my brother, we are of His kind sister. Start thinking the spiritual way, start walking in the heaven, we have heaven in us, and we are living heaven on earth.


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