“…and fowls that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven” (Gen. 1:20); fowls are also known as bird as covered with feathers or wings. And these fowls may fly above the earth, they shall go beyond the earth, that we may go beyond the carnals to the open firmament of heaven. We are made supernatural; above the naturals yet we have brethrens in Christ who are still living in the things of the flesh, they are conformed to the things of the world. We are expected to fly above the earth to the spirituals. Our place is not here on earth, our place is not to stay where we are and remain carnal—we are alive, not creatures without life, so we must move. Our place is in the firmaments of heaven. Christians do not live by flesh and blood, but by the spirit.Let us fly above the earth, let your light shine and cover the earth with the light. The primary root of the word “fly” from the Hebrew language is “to cover—that is with wings or obscurity”.The obscurity here is with the meaning—someone difficult to understand. We are a proverb, when things are going bad and they start speaking death, we speak life, they find it difficult with their natural mind to understand Christianity. They end up by sayings we are fools. “We are fools for Christ’s sake” (1 Cor. 4:10) It is very important for us to allow the word of God to manifest in our life. Mary was overshadowed by the Spirit of God; we must allow the Spirit to manifest. Let your joy cover your worries, for worry kills a lot. Worry is one of the killer disease in the world, many people die as a result of worrying. And most Christians still posses it, they are always worried about tomorrow, about how to feed the next day. That shouldn’t be the case; God says be anxious for nothing, do not worry about what you will eat the next day, I have given to you all things to survive, I will supply all your needs according to MY RICHES. Do you know how rich I am?So fly above the earth, don’t be confirmed by circumstances, they don’t dictate for you. Is it financial problem, Academic, Married, Health? Or what so ever problems of the world, Fly above them, for Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. Let us take this scripture into consideration; “And be not drunk with wine wherein in excess; but be filled with the Spirit…” (Eph. 5:18). The wine here represents the circumstances and things of this world, God says through Paul that do not be drunk with these things, do not be conformed with them. Wherein in excess—to be full of it; such that it takes control over your life. You saw your results not to your satisfaction then you start behaving carnal; you just allowed yourself to be drunk with that circumstances and took it in excess.Back in the university, my room mate whom I offered the same course with, encountered a similar situation with his mid-serm. He finished the paper with disappointment as he lay on his bed for hours without a word. He was totally sad and broken hearted. He was drunk with that circumstance and came to the room; he became week as he took it in excess such that uttering a word was a problem for him.Do not be drunk with wine, wherein in excess, just move on with faith. Other translation says “do not be drunk with wine which leads to debauchery…” which leads to sin. The oxford dictionary describes the word as an abnormal behavior. Like taking in cocaine and behaving abnormal. After an exam, a friend said “I don’t even believe God was with me in the examination hall, I don’t even think God is with me” he just acted abnormal because he drunk it in excess (took it so personal). But be filled with the spirit; be drunk with the Spirit of God. On the Pentecostal day when the Holy Spirit had come upon them, and started speaking in tongues, the people outside were marveled as they heard them speak in their own language. Others outside the temple filled with the Spirit of God mocked saying: they are drunk with new wine (Act 2:13).Be filled with the Spirit of God; fly above the earth by reminding yourself of who you are in Christ Jesus, being God conscious. “Speaking in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.” (Eph. 5:19) I remember a moment when I decided to chase after hens. All my friends were nowhere to be found so I decided to play without my friends. I seriously chased this hen as if I would kill it if it was caught. It ran and ran till it couldn’t go any more; the next thing it did when it saw me coming was to fly. It flew above the earth when it saw trouble coming, it flew when the adverse conditions was present. That is what we are supposed to do, to fly above circumstances, and have an overview of the whole show. You should not try to solve them you’re your own by struggling, just fly above the earth, be in the spirit; cast your burdens to Him for he cares.On June 7, I was send to take my cousin from school. I took a shuttle known as “trotro” instead of taking a taxi. When I prompted the mate to stop at my destination, he murmured because he had to give back my money for lack of balance. Suddenly the drivers break failed, and the bus was out of control. Passengers in the bus started screaming and all I did was to bow down my head, speaking in tongues for about three seconds. The bus calmed and the driver packed to allow passengers take a different car.I want us to learn something here, while people were screaming in fear at the storm, I was in the spirit. I was even shocked that I paid no attention to what was going on. My mind was neither at the storm nor the ongoing incident, I was above the earth. Later I heard the driver saying “the guy has really helped us, if we had gone further to the high way, it would have caused our lives”. From the place I took the bus to where I stopped is about 100 feet and I could have walked.There are many significant of flying above the earth of which you wouldn’t know if you don’t manifest them. We always have an overview of the earth, when we fly into the spirits, secrets are reviewed to us, and we see the circumstance and start mocking at it. We also see ahead as we fly. You don’t see before you when you stay on earth, you always see far beyond the natural man when you fly. The future is revealed to you; your eyes are opened to the realities. There are many fowls to talk of but we often find the eagle in the Bible.


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