We are so precious to God. His love for us can’t be measured, yet man left God. He didn’t leave us, we left him. What could God possibly miss that man left, He gave to us all the creation of the earth, He made us the god of earth that we named the entire creatures not Him. Yet man left. And so God paused there and continued “And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep...” (Gen. 1:2). We became vain and empty, nothing good was in us. We lost the form to walk with God. The earth was without form, we were confused and empty, how? Because darkness was upon the face of the deep. We were overshadowed by darkness (wickedness, destruction…) in the deep. In our soul, they overshadowed our spirit such that man couldn’t acknowledge God. The spirit of man died.

The scientific definition for death is—the cessation of communication with the environment. So man died. The spirit ceased to communicate with his environment of which we came from. We ceased to fellowship with God. And so man was spiritually dead. When we say the spirit is dead it does not imply there is no more spirit; we simply mean the spirit has lost its sensitivity towards God and thus is dead to Him. We can confirm here that spiritual dead is the separation of the human spirit from God.

Let’s consider the parable of the Good Samaritan at Luke chapter 10 verses 30. “And Jesus answering said, A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead.” Jesus was talking about a man who was travelling from Jerusalem to Jericho, he was moving from the city of God to the world. Man was moving from the environment of God to meet destruction at hell. Jerusalem represents the city of God, in other words, the presence of God “But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels.” (Heb. 12:22). And so we left the presence of God to the world. And we fell among thieves, among robbers, and they were all over him, they stripped him and wounded him. The darkness wounded us through the robbers; it stripped us leaving us half dead.

Now this half dead is about the spiritual death. Man had died spiritually but the body was still alive. We were half dead by darkness. All we were waiting for was the physical death. These thieves did help a bit, for they interrupted him from going to Jericho. Well to be precise, the thieves represent the law. They were too many that man couldn’t take them all, and so the law stripped man and exposed the corrupted nature of man; which is sin. The law revealed to us what sin was and exposed us. But man couldn’t follow the law, he was wounded.

Paul said in Romans chapter 7 verses 8 that “But sin, taking occasion by the commandment, wrought in me all manner of concupiscence. For without the law sin was dead.” Other versions say, sin taking advantage by the commandment… after the law stripped us naked to know sin, sin took advantage to wound us. We became sin conscious and so it stimulated the body to taste it. It drove us with a strong lust that we destroyed ourselves. It wounded us. For without the law, sin was dead to them. They would have commit and assume it was normal. Sin would have been dead.

He continues to say (Rom 7:9) “For I was alive without the law once: but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died.” We were alive and healthy at Jerusalem but we left, we were alive without the written codes because we were fellowshipping with God Himself; hence we needed no light, God was the light, we needed no law, it was our nature not to sin. But we left and the law interfered for us to know that we are in the sinful nature.

(Rom 7:10) “And the commandment, which was ordained to life, I found to be unto death.” It was meant for us to come back to Jerusalem. We were made aware of sin so we could revive back to God. God couldn’t just let us go, because He still loved us. So He paved a way, yet we couldn’t take it. But we misinterpreted it to death. We followed our emotions to lead us to death. (Rom 7:11) “For sin, taking occasion by the commandment, deceived me, and by it slew me.”

Something happened, lets go back to Genesis chapter 1:2 “And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters” oh glory to God. Did you see that? He says and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. This time it wasn’t the law again, God himself came down to save us. At Luke 10:31 and verse 32; A priest passed by from the same way, the priest couldn’t help the half dead man. The priest himself was moving in the same direction. He was on his way to Jericho. He had no life in him. And so he didn’t even consider the wounded man, he just passed by. Likewise the Levite, he had also departed from God like the wounded man- From Jerusalem to Jericho. But he looked upon the wounded man. He considered his situation and passed. He had no help for him. You may have been in trouble without help from your friends. They sometimes consider your situation and just pass by; because they don’t carry the solution

But there was this man, from ELSEWHERE as He Journeyed encountered us. He was from elsewhere because he had no beginning and ending. He himself was the beginning. He was looking for the wounded man. He had with him wine, to cleanse the wounds and oil to resurrect the cells and bandage to bind them. The Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

The Bible says he looked upon the man half dead; he considered him and had compassion for him. God had compassion us, for God so loved the world, that he had compassion to give his blood to heal us. He gave us the wine as a sign of His blood to cleanse us off the sins. Remember Jesus told the disciples to drink the wine, which is His blood… (Mat. 26:28), And the oil which represents the Holy Spirit to quicken our mortal bodies. (Rom. 8:11). And bind them together, bible says, he that is joint unto the Lord is one spirit (1 Cor. 6:17). So he placed us on his beast (camel or horse…) and sent us to His rest.

This is love from God, he took our place to walk and placed us on His beast till we got to His rest. He stood in our place to suffer the penalty.

This is an opportunity to be born again. God came all the way into this sinful world just for you. We meshed up and left Him, even as you are reading, he is right there, he is behind you, moving upon the face of the waters. Is not too late, you can still come back to God. We couldn’t find God, He found us wants us back. Take a Bold decision like the prodigal son and take your salvation. He is ever ready, to embrace you. He is ready to kiss you as He did to the prodigal son and change you into a new self. To give you a new garment, and celebrate your return. Just allow him to heal the wounds. Please come back to Christ. Come back to God. Allow your spirit to be renewed.

If you want to give your life to Christ or rededicate it to Him, confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart (in your spirit) that God raised Him from the dead (that Jesus is Alive), you shall be saved. Its not necessary to confess all your sins to be saved. Just confess the Lord Jesus; that he should come and take control over every aspect of your life. Say this with understanding and faith (believe);


If you prayed this prayer, be assured that you are a new creation. “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation, old things are passed away, behold, all thing are become new” (2 Cor. 5:17) this is the Christian, reunited to God in a new and better self. This new man is Christ. This we will discuss latter. He say behold, all things are become new, the old things are passed away. It doesn’t matter your background, the kind of curses in your family, God is saying the old things are passed away. And he has made all things new. Old things are passed away; meaning you have no history, why? Because you are born again. You are a newly (re)born spirit. You hold no record of the things passed. It wasn’t you. You have become a new creation. Other versions says a new creature. When God comes in, the olds stuffs passes away. This can also be interpreted as we let the old things pass away. The old things we used to do. For God is now in control and all things becomes new, our spirit is joint to the Lord’s. We understand that God comes to dwell in us.


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