Now I say that the heir, as long as he is a child, differenth nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all. But is under tutors and governors until the time appointed by the father. Even so we, when were children, were in bondage under the elements of the world” (Gal. 4:1-3).

When we become Christians, we are born again as babies in Christ. Even though we are babies, yet we are still heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ (Rom. 8:16-17). That means that everything that belongs to God is our inheritance. Now with this kind of inheritance we are not waiting for God to die before we come into possession. That’s because we are joint heirs with Christ. Jesus Christ the first born already owns everything that belongs to God (Jn. 16:15). We believers are his younger siblings (Jn. 20:17) and the Bible declares that we are Joint heirs with Him. That means the entire estate is as much our as it is Jesus’. Yet how many of us are actually appropriate even millionth of this vast inheritance in God?

We are heirs of God, and we need to grow up in Him. Though God has blessed us with all spiritual blessing, we only enjoy them when we are matured. The synonym for the “child” in that scripture is an immature Christian. And such a person is no different from a slave. Sometimes we see the unbelievers to be better than us, all because we are still babies in Christ. Don’t end your Christian growth at the point you accepted Christ into your heart. There is more to acknowledge, walk in the Greater light.

Most Christian finds Christianity to be difficult and even some people think it’s a punishment. You would hear them, “Being a Christian is not an easy task, I am always getting poor, sickness is all over,. While that rich guy kills to earn, they are allowed to party all night with sex written on their shorts. Why can’t I enjoy life; because I’m a Christian” Such people indeed consider being in the world better. They see so because they are still a child in Christ.

But that is not the case, Ephesians 1:3 confirm that God has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in the Heavenly places. God hasn’t given us half of it, He said all, and He meant it. He also said in 1 Corinthians 1:5 that we are enriched in every way. You don’t see them manifest because you are still walking in the lesser light. Walk in the greater light, refuse to be a kid in Christ. The tutors and governors are to perfect us unto the fullness of Christ.

Being a son of God means maturity, you may be a son but still considered as a child. This was the Jew way of life. You are declared a son when matured, Christ was declared a son publicly at His baptism. After that, he began greater manifestation.

We are already called sons; we should walk in the greater light. The Bible says “Ye are all children of light, and the children of the day; not of the night nor of darkness” (1Th. 5:5). Possess your possessions in Christ, acknowledge the authority given to you and manifest. The Holy Spirit is gentle, and He does not force anyone to accept Him or manifest. We are the sons of God, yes we are a royal priesthood, yet He doesn’t force us to manifest our royalty.

The thoughts of royals are different from that of the ordinary person. Their speeches are carefully molded; seasoned with salt. God experts us to do the same, to talk like Christ, Have His kind of faith, being holy as He is. God wants us to walk in the greater light.

It is never difficult in Christ, just mature to possess your possessions. Walk in the greater light. All things are installed for you; they are all your in Christ Jesus. Philemon 6 says “That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus”. God is faithful and his promises are always yea and amen in Christ Jesus (1 Cor. 1:20).

Desire to mature in Him; God is ever ready to reveal Himself to us. Spiritual growth is independent—does not depend—of time. You won’t become a matured believer just because you were save 20 years ago. Paul said “as long as he is a child…” You can be 50 years as a Christian yet still be a toddler spiritually. Spiritual growth depend on one thing only: how much you are LIVING THE WORD—and that is walking in the Greater light.


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