We have moving creatures and non-moving creatures. Recently we here of a creature and all we think of is a monster--Something fearful to encounter. But coming down to scientific level—because we are above the science of this world—a creature is somebody or something created. If I create a car, the car becomes a creature (creation) whether living or not. To create is to bring something into existence.
This time God created creatures that has life; moving creatures not stationary. “And God said let the waters bring forth abundantly moving creatures that hath life, and fowls that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven” (Gen. 1:20). From the original Hebrew translation, creature is an active mass minute animal; they are active animals that move. They don’t act timid to circumstances, they move. These swarm move in water.
We understand that movement in water is slower than on dry land. Yet they move, irrespective of the water current they still move. Obstacles should not let you give up in Christ; circumstances don’t dictate for the Christian, we keep moving forward. How? Because we have all it takes to go the next step: God in you is more than enough to move further. God has already given us what it takes.
Let’s take the ordinary tilapia into consideration. Its shape enhance it to easily move, the fines to accelerate and for steering. It also breathes oxygen in the water. Glory to God—it uses its gills to breathe. God has already given it all it needs to move in water. Even scientific machines find it difficult to extract oxygen from water, but that is what normal fish depends on.
But God talks of the whale, great whale He said. Whales resemble fish in many ways, but they are not fish. Fish are cold-blooded and breathe underwater using gills; whales, on the other hand, maintain a warm and constant body temperature of about 37°C (about 99°F) and breathe air with lungs. Unlike fish, which move their vertical tail fins from side to side when they swim, whales move their horizontal tail fins up and down to propel themselves through the water.
It might be a shock to the scientist when this secret was unveiled to him. How can the whale use lungs to breathe air in while it lives in the sea. And what will the other fishes think of the whale, they would not understand its reaction with the environment; because it is strange to them, it is above the natural; it is unique.
That’s how God has made us, the world don’t understand us for the things of the spirit cannot be descended by the ordinary mind. We are made special among our peers; we are a new creation in Christ. You would probably think lungs should be use on the dry land. That’s why we are not of the world, though we are in; though the whale lives in water all its life. “They don’t know, neither do they understand… I have said ye are gods and children of the most High” (Psa. 82:5-6).
Paul said in Colossians 1:26 that “Even the mystery has been hidden from ages and generations but now, its made manifest to the saints…” this has been a mystery for it is hidden from them with the ordinary mind. We are a proverb to the world that they can’t solve with their natural mind. After Saul (King of Israel) had encounter God through Samuel as he was sent by his father Kish to look for the donkeys, he was metamorphosed. He was changed into the supernatural’s such that he prophecy among the prophets and it became a proverb for the people around (1 Sam. 10:12). They couldn’t understand how he could prophecy; it was a mystery to them. The mystery behind the Christian is simple; we have Christ in us—Colossians 1:27—that is it. We have all it takes to move forward.


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