Many Christians have a desire to do something for God, but often that desire never progresses beyond their initial thought. Although they are excited about what God has put in their hearts to do, they can’t figure out how to turn those dreams and ideas into realities.
All too often, Christians don’t take any action toward fulfilling their dreams because they are waiting for something to happen. They are waiting for someone to help them or for a minister to prophesy to them. They believe that when this outside intervention manifests, then they can move to the
next step. They don’t realize that they already have what they need to get them where they want to go.
They are already furnished in abundance for the next step God has for them. We see this in Second Corinthians 9:8: “And God is able to make all grace (every favor and earthly blessing) come to you in abundance, so that you may always
and under all circumstances and whatever the need be self-sufficient [possessing enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation]”(Amplified).
You may be thinking, Well, brother, you haven’t been to my house. If you had, you’d know that I don’t have an abundance of anything. Maybe you’re like most people and don’t realize what you already have.
In Second Corinthians chapter 12, Paul talks about a thorn in the flesh
that was the messenger of Satan sent to buffet him (v. 7). He asked God three times to remove it from him, but God’s reply was “. . . My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness” (v. 9).
Paul didn’t realize that God had already given him the grace he needed to overcome the messenger of Satan. Paul had to learn how to put that grace into practice. He had to learn how to act on God’s grace. Grace is more than favor. Although grace is favor, it is also God’s ability upon us that enables us to do what we could not do in and of ourselves.
In Exodus chapter 4, when God told Moses to go to the elders of the children of Israel, Moses was concerned that they would not believe he was sent to them by God. In reply to Moses’ fears, God asked,
“. . . What is that in thine hand? And [Moses] said, A rod” (V. 2). Moses had to use what he had before God could go into action. When Moses cast the rod to the ground, it became a serpent. Only then was the power of God able to manifest. When Moses used what he already had, he obtained what he lacked.
The prophet Elisha understood this principle. He was approached by a widow whose two sons were about to be taken from her to pay her debts.
When she asked Elisha for help, he replied, “. . . What shall I do for thee? tell me, what hast thou in the house?” (2 Kings 4:2).
Notice that Elisha asked her for what she already had. The widow
woman’s need was not going to be met by something she didn’t possess yet. No. What she needed to get out of debt was already in her possession: a small jar of oil. Elisha then told her to borrow many jars from her neighbors and use her oil to fill the borrowed vessels. Her miraculous provision came from what she already possessed. (See 2 Kings 4:1–7.)
When David went into battle against Goliath, he took five smooth stones and his sling—a weapon he was very familiar with from past use—and refused to wear armor that didn’t belong to him. More importantly, he remembered what God had previously done for him. David remembered the lions and bears
that he killed with the help of God. He recounted his past victories and was confident that God would deliver him again. (See 1 Sam. 17.)
David knew that he could rely on God. If you search your house without finding anything, remember that you have God—and God is more than enough.
Although you may not be able to place your hands on something physical, you do have the promises of God. You can begin to move forward toward
fulfilling your dreams by meditating on God’s Word and letting it fill your heart. You can then put that Word in your mouth and speak to the mountains
in your life (Mark 11:23). Right now, you have everything you need to step out to do what God has called you to do. Remember, you are just taking a step. But after you have taken the first step, then you can take the next step and the next step. And before you know it, you are walking out the plan of God for your life.
So start making demands on what you already have. In the same way Moses threw down his staff and watched God go into action, you can use what you have and watch God give you what you need… (Tad Gregurich—Using What You Have to Obtain What You Lack).
I remember one Monday morning when I was in class two; I was not familiar with keeping money in my shirt’s pocket. Since I was in a rush, I just kept the money there and ran to school. About a meter to my class, I found not the money. I thought I searched all my pockets thoroughly leaving the pocket on my shirt.
I turned back on my way home weeping. “I lost my money” I said. My friends’ saw me going and they asked why, I just tell them “I lost my money”. I walked sorrowly towards home as something (I called it something) told me to check my top pocket. I didn’t really pay attention to it till I reached the gate of the house. I just patted my pocket to stop thinking it could be there. Then I felt something there; it was the money. My tears turned into laughter as I mocked at myself.
God has already given us the totality of both spiritual and physical things we ever needed to move forward (2 Pet. 1:3, 4).
It was there all along, I had what it took to move forward to class, I had what it takes to keep moving, but I thought I didn’t. “…lack of knowledge, my people perish….” (Hos. 4:6)
Move forward!!!!


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