The book of Romans 4:5 says, "But him who does not work but believes on him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is accounted for righteousness". Many Christians now a days confuse themselves with these words, RIGHTEOUSNESS and BORN AGAIN. You will ask a Christian, “are you righteous"? And all you hear is no. You will ask again, “then are you born again"? have you ever considered that?

When we take a critical look at these two words and study them carefully, you will realize that both these words has the same meaning but different definitions; this turns to confuse most Christians. Born again is the reborn or rebirth of a man from his sinful ways into the marvelous light of God by His Spirit, making him justified and holy in the sight of God.

This rebirth happens when we accepted the truth that Jesus is Lord and came to die for all our sins. RIGHTEOUSNESS is been freed from our sinful ways and thoughts, and been perfected and sanctified by the blood of our lord Jesus Christ; therefore making us justified and holy in the sight of God through FAITH.

So then why do we find it hard to call ourselves righteous?, it is because we find it hard to believe in the things we don’t see, but easily believe in the things we see. This makes the truth of we being the righteousness of God a very difficult issue to accept.

One will say, I commit sin every day, why do I have to classify myself as righteous? But this is not so because in Romans 4:5,God wants to tell us that even though we commit sin, the fact that we have denied ourselves and forsook our thoughts to believe that Jesus is our salvation, this faith makes us righteous in his sight. It is very difficult for the most Christians to believe, but that is the way God wants us to think.

HE wants us to understand that it is not doing good and repenting from your sins everyday that makes us righteous, but rather have faith in him who justifies the ungodly and gives the gift of righteousness by grace.

Many people say they believe in God but do not have faith in the promise, H has said in John 3:16 that, “for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that who so ever will believe in him will not perish but have an everlasting life", yet we turn to allow Satan to lead us astray from God's word. As Christians and children of GOD we must believe in the fact that we were made righteous the very moment we became born again; that is forsook our thoughts and turned to Jesus to save us from our wicked ways.

We must have faith in God, that He now see's us as righteous people and we can come to him anytime we want. He is ever ready to give us a hug, God is eager to talk to us always. Don’t reject this gift of God, hold firm to it.

Finally, we must allow ourselves to be led by the spirit of God (the Holy Spirit), who can guide us to live a life of complete faith, joy, love and peace. Dear believers in Christ, always thank God for the blood of his son Jesus Christ, he has giving us the gift of righteousness by grace and we can now call ourselves righteous. I ask you again, "are you righteous"? (Koby Boat Knight)


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