No wonder sin escaped and all things become new, because the brightness of the glory of God is revealed in us. The light is too intensive that the old self depletes. “And God said, let there be light and there was light” (Gen.1:3). He said let there be light, he said let all things be exposed --To clear things up within us, and bring happiness. Light also depicts the nature of fire, no wonder the Greek translation of light at John is “phos” which is synonymous to fire. When we receive Christ we receive the rest of God for all things have become clear

In him was life, and the life was the light of men.” (Jon. 1:4). In Christ Jesus was life, the life of God--ZoĆ«—the very life of God. And the life was the light of us. The light brought life to us. And so “the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord” (Rom. 6:23) by His word who is Jesus Christ light came to us. God created nothing without His word that was created. Without Christ in your life, you can’t have eternal life. You can’t be with God. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. He enlightened us.

“… and there was light” and it was so. This light came to pass. “And the light shineth in darkness, and darkness comprehended it not” (Jon. 1:5). When God comes into our hearts and shines, darkness runs away. Darkness couldn’t comprehend the light of God. It could not stand face to God. Destruction starts to exit, curses escapes, because they can’t comprehend. They have no place in us as long as God is in us. We are free from every sickness, from every trouble. Because there was light: and darkness went out.

This created a division for there is no darkness in God. God divided the light from the darkness. Hence there was a clear distinction between the Christian and those on the world. We were once in the world but have been transformed into His marvelous light. He divided the light from the darkness not he divided the darkness from the light neither did he divided the light and darkness. But he divided the light, he separated the light from the darkness. This means He needed the light not darkness. That’s why we shouldn’t forsake the gathering of the saints. For iron sharpens iron.

And God called the light Day and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and morning were the first day” (Gen.1:5)--And called the light Day; which unused root meaning (Hebrews) is to be Hot. The day is the time where we become active. All basic activities are carried in the day and therefore we become hot-untouchable. All because all things are clear and so we can boldly walk and see; for we are in the light. In the day there is no uncertainties, no doubts of what your eyes tells you. In God there is no Uncertainties, no doubts about His word, for He is faithful.

But in darkness, in the twilight, in the night is where things become uncertain. Is where evil things happen, is where we see destruction. When I was little, I used to be very afraid of the dark. When there is black out, I rather be with my family than to be alone in darkness. If they sent me in for something, I would run for it in terror, till I gradually became acquainted with darkness. One evening when the lights were off, I hid myself in the darkness behind a center table. I overheard my mum sending my sister to her room. She too, being afraid of darkness, came running. She couldn’t see me in the dark but I saw her coming, because she was from outside and it was a full moon. When she got to my place, I trapped her with my foot, and she fell so badly. Yet she didn’t see me. With tears she went in for the item and went out. As she cried I was troubled and I felt sorry for what I did, such that sorrow filled my heart.

I want us to learn something from here, I conformed to darkness, yet I was still afraid that I hid myself behind the center table. Though I was afraid, I didn’t want to be alone in there, but I resided in it. My sister couldn’t see me, the road was uncertain, and full of doubts, but I could see her because she had light behind her. If she had come with the light, all things would have been certain and clear to her. But she fell because the path wasn’t clear. The path of darkness leads to death. Darkness caused me to do wicked. There is no truth in darkness, they are all false.

But we are the children of the light, therefore we shine where ever we go. We carry the light in flames that shines darkness off, that shines sorrows off. “for ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light” (Eph. 5:8). Yes we were once in darkness so were sometimes darkness, we were sometimes wicked, but now, we are light in the Lord. In Jesus are we light: therefore, walk as children of light. We walk as light in the Lord, we carry our light everywhere we go. We carry certainty; we carry solutions to the world in Jesus because we make all things clear through Him. So, let there be light!


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