Once I went to a church and as the praises came to an end, the singer said to us “give the Lord a shout!!” and the whole church was set on fire. That was boring to me; I didn’t know why I had to shout, and the significant of shouting. Sometimes we refuse to shout for God when we are told to do so. We think it’s carnal and noisy; that is the meaning of Sea, to roar (as breaking in noise surf).

A friend of mine who I shared the same room with came in shouting on top of his voice glorifying the Lord. When He got into the room with joy, a present friend in the room told him he was making noise. This is my church member who knew not the significant of shouting in the spirit; so he called it unnecessary noise. But my roommate did not keep quiet; he roared back at him and locked the door. Telling him “today you are going to know the significant of shouting”

As he started speaking, I could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit overshadowing him strongly and he started revealing things he himself never knew. "... holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost" (2 Peter 1:21). There are some key terms I took note of and thing I found upon further meditation; I would like to share with you.

God through him said; shouting creates attention. This reminds me of why my father shouts at me when I’m doing something bad. He would shout and I just freeze like a thief caught by the cops. Sometimes I receive shocks within my body and it creates attention. It brings me back to my senses. At meetings if someone wants to be heard, he shout to create attention. When my mum hears me shouting, she would come in running, why? Because I had her attention, I caused her to come. Attention normally comes with a shock in the body, and is able to determine the state of the soul emotionally. But this shout isn’t a mere shout, it is a shout of victory; a shout in the spirit. The lion doesn’t roar in fear, it roars in bravery. When it roars, preys take note, he has caused an attention.

Shouting also causes a “double effect”. When you see your results on the board with all the successes and shouts “glory to God!!!” it causes attention to you. And they begin to wonder why you gave the praise to God. They start to whisper among their selves “there must be a linkage with your results and God”. You just caused them to be God conscious as you were when you saw your results. This is the double effect. You activated their spirit; you quickened them to be God conscious. On the latter days of my exams, I came out of a friend’s room glorifying God, just saying “oh glory to God, thank you Jesus, I exalts your Name, hallelujah….” With joy as I approached a room next to mine. There was a gentleman there with one of the roommates, and this man started speaking in tongues as he heard me worshiping God. He was ignited to speaking in the language of the spirit. And this drove me into speaking in tongues, and as I spoke, my voice was magnified such that other mates came to see. The room was set on fire and I started declaring the word of God to them. “…. When Christian brethren meets, we start to shine more and our language is the language of the spirit, for spirits communicates with spirit and flesh with flesh, for the things of the spirit are foolishness to the carnal man, the highest peak of thinking of the carnal man cannot decode them, because they are spiritually descended, we are letting our light shine, and…..”. This is a double effect, as I caused him to edify as I was, he in return caused me to pray, and together we drew the attention of people around there to be God conscious. The more lion roars, the more he gathers braveness. “The liberal soul shall be fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself” (Pro. 11:25)

Shouting causes vibration. It increases the frequency of the normal voice, and vibrates the elements in the atmosphere, it sees no obstacle; it just penetrates through walls. That’s why the lion is not afraid, because he roars and sees no obstacle, he doesn’t consider your size. He just penetrates through walls. Talking about the wall of Jericho, they shouted on the seventh day. It was a shout of victory, a shout in the spirit. We understand that they matched around the city before shouting. But what I’m stressing on is the shout alone, it caused vibration within the walls, and they couldn’t stand. The walls feel down flat, not hilly nor leaving some standing. What a power shouting contains. When the Israelites received back the tabernacle of God, the first thing they did was to shout. This was a shout of victory, in the spirit. And their opponents were confused, the shout penetrated through their spirit and they feared. This is the power behind shouting in the spirit.

One evening, I went for an all-night services after defending the significant of shouting in a Christian meeting. I had heard what my roommate said so I couldn’t shut up when a lady said shouting isn’t necessary. At the all night, the spirit of God had captured the place and visions were granted to many. But for this sister, she had gone high in the spirit such that, we couldn’t hear her speak of the revelations she had. And the preacher even couldn’t finish his sermon because of the revelations; all his messages were in the revelations. Ending his sermon, he told us to give the Lord a shout. The responds wasn’t to his satisfaction and he said “you don’t know what you are doing…” then told us to shout again, this time it was great. Getting to the latter part of the service, she came to testify what the Lord had revealed to her. She kept on speaking till she came to this particular vision, she said “when he told us to shout the first time, I saw fire coming out of the your mouths, then I heard him say that you don’t what you are doing, then the second shout, I saw weapons coming out of your mouths”. When she said this, I said to myself “wow!

I won’t speak much about the fire, but particularly about the weapons. The fire coming out of our mouth consumes, it refines things –especially old things –into new thing. We renewed every rotten and rusted thing in our lives by shouting; we shined out by fire. Gold is first refined by fire before we really have it. When it is in the rocky state, it isn’t appreciated until it’s refined. As Christians, we should always be in this new creation form to attract people to God. We are all aware of the damage fire can cause if used to offend. For our God is a consuming fire.

“…then the second shout, I saw weapons coming out of your mouths” no wonder Paul said in Ephesians 6:17 that “… and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God”. This is the weapon(s) that came out of our mouths. We started piercing through thing, cutting off troubles and conquering. “For the word of God is quick, and power, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to dividing…” (Heb. 4:12) the word of God is true. The Greek name for mouth is “stoma” which means the edge of a sword. So we can use our mouth to repair and kill. Sword also signifies position and authority. Most countries and even religions use it to swear an oath, in battles, the sword of the commander gives orders as an authority. This is the power of the sword; the power of the Word of God. The mouth contains the power of life and death. So we shouted in the spirit, we shouted in victory. SHOUTING IN THE SPIRIT, IS OF SUPERNATURAL SIGNIFICANTS.

Shouting is the fullest expression of joy. Imagine your countries scores an opponent in a football match. Immediately the goal is scored, the whole country charges. You hear shouts everywhere, which is joy (of the world). This is the fullest expression of joy, smiling isn’t enough to express joy neither is laughing. When the tabernacle of the Lord came back to the Israelites, out of joy, they shouted. God wants us to have Joy, and joy is deeper than happiness though they are often used together. He tells us to count it all joy when you go through trials. You shout for victory; then you are expressing the joy in God.


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