Many Christians—not unbelievers—finds it difficult to be humble. But that is how God has made us in Christ Jesus; to be humble. Being humble to some people is foolishness; “how can you just let him go after disgracing you in public’ you should have slapped him! By the way, you just a fool.” This is all they say, the carnal man sees a humble person as a fool. They think such a person is afraid to react, but it’s a gift from God.
One of the fruits or manifestation of the Spirit is humbleness which falls under self control. Humbleness also falls under patience and love. If you have none of these you can’t be humble. “And God said, let the earth bring forth living creatures after his kind, cattle, and creeping things, and beast of the earth after his kind, and it was so.” (Gen. 1:24).
The cattle are referred here at Genesis. Cattle are one of the most humble animals on earth. Cows and oxen are referred to be cattle. The word cattle from its Hebrew unused root meaning is to be mute. Because they don’t complain a lot they are almost termed as dumb. They are termed to be fools.
Cattle are kept for milk production, meat and also used for draft. The Christian humbleness should surpass that off the cattle. We draft the church forward, we produce joy and peace everywhere we are.
You may be in church and had never been appointed as a leader, don’t fell bad and start yelling about, stay mute and humble yourself. Sometimes you know that you are better than some of the leaders but stay mute. It is not because God has not seen you neither have God ignored your hard work to push His ministry. You are still in the developing stage, so be patient.
Sometimes it is hard to stay in a church that do not recognize your contribution, but be humble. You are drafting the church forward, you are being kept by God for a specific production, so don’t complain. The races are not the same, your track is different and for that, you need more to get there. You may be meant for a thousand story building while the other is just for a single room at that moment. We agree that the foundation of a story building is far deeper than a flat house. The deeper you go in God, the greater you impact.
Being mute is also not to complain; you face a situation and all you do is to complain. You don’t need to complain when things go bad, jus command them out! Don’t stay in them, creep forward, not slowly but quickly.
I find listening as one of the basic element of humbleness. It pays to listen to a talkative; he won’t even allow you a gad in his words to express your idea. We find it difficult to listen to wisdom but will have time to listen to fool. When the sermon is taking a lot of time, we tend to bore, and even leave. Let us give ourselves the chance to be humble.
Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord, and he will lift you up” (Jas. 4:10)


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