The likeliness of a person is also known as his manner. The image and likeness are almost the same just that likeness is with a character. Likeliness is the personality of a person, also known as the nature of a person; how he speaks, how he walks, how he behaves. There is this nature of God that we would want to share, which is love.
The Bible makes us understand that God is love at 1 John 4:16 also at 4:8. Love is the nature of God, it is the first to be said in the fruit of the spirit at Galatians 5:22. God is love and this nature is in us as long as God dwells in us. His love comes upon us, we love not because of beauty or riches; it is our nature, I just love you.
God gives love and that of the flesh is lust. Lust is totally different from Love; lust is a sexual desire for someone while love is the nature of God. In fact love is a whole lot of spiritual fruits. 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 talks about the elements of love. You will see there that love does not envy, love is patience and kind, is not selfish, thinks no evil, is not easily provoked, keeps no bad record of the past (forgiveness)…
Love is a nature, is a personality that is lived. You can not be a Christian and not love, because love is a personality, it must be lived. You have to start expressing love to everyone around. For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son; God did it out of love, he did not considered our past record of sins, He was slow to wrath that He did not just wiped us off to create new creatures—he forgave all our sins and kept no record of it, He has patience for us.
One thing killing most some Christians is that they lack manifesting love. If you do not have love, you wouldn’t even border praying for someone, helping someone out of a situation would be foolish to you. If you say you know God and yet have no love then you lie.
Do not be shy to say to someone “I love you” the world definition for love is lust. But God’s definition is true, tell someone how beautiful and handsome he is. Allow the nature of god to manifest; tell someone today that “I LOVE YOU”
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