
Showing posts from September, 2011


It is not by might nor power, but by the Spirit of God, who lives in us. We have the Spirit of He who raised Jesus from death, we have Him in us. Therefore start exhibiting the nature of God, that is what He expects from you. This is the believer’s authority. God did not just leave us as orphans, He gave us His Spirit. He wants to see His sons doing great things on earth. He experts greater things from us more than what He did on earth. What is your testimony? Manifest the things of God, allow Him to explore. God opened a way for the Israelites, but His son walked on the surface of waters. Elijah commanded fire from heaven; Philip was transported from place to place—and I asked myself, was these things real? They were real, never think they were abstract. God wants us to have His kind of faith, to command things into existence as if they were already there. He just said let there be, and it was so. You don’t need bigger faith to move mountains, even as small as t


“ …and let them have dominion over the fishes of the sea, and over the fowls of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepth upon the earth. ” (Gen. 1:26). God created man to have dominion over the earth and all thing that creeped upon the earth. He did not say some things, neither did He say-- on earth only, but God said all things that are on the earth and the things that creeps upon the earth. God made us the god of this world, he gave us authority on earth; we were made the managers of earth. All things on earth including things that creeps upon it. This is the soul of man, this is the free will God gave us. He did not make us robots to be controlled, but He gave us dominion. Dominion here means to rule over them, it means the power of choice. Though He created bravery in us, He made us the green of the world, He made us moving creature that can fly above the earth; we have the rule over them whether to manifest the


God created man in his image and likeliness such that man’s actions will reflect His nature. The Bible says God breath into the body the breath of life which is the spirit. He created man in His shape and likeliness; from His Spirit. That’s why the Christian is born of the Spirit not of the flesh; we do not live by blood but by the spirit. God gave man dominion and the authority to create; to subdue the earth. He did not just give us fish to eat, He also thought us how to fish. This is the believer’s authority, we can also say “let there be”. That is why Jesus said "it is finished" to notify that, God’s work on earth is done, He now carries His work through us. He is seated on His throne expecting a glorious end. The Bible says at Mathew 18:18, 16:19 that, “… whatsoever thou shall bind on earth shalt be bound in heaven; whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth, shall be loosed in heaven ” which means, heaven is backing us in authority. God did not gave us His pow


Often, even as new men, Christians find it difficult to forgive, because they least expected that that particular person would hurt them. The feeling is that if anybody would hurt you, it wouldn’t be this particular person. Sometimes best friends become worst enemies. Yes, even husbands and wives can become sworn enemies. The closest person who told you he loved and cared for you, can become your worst enemy. But as new men, we need to remember that God has forgiven us for lots of horrible things. To illustrate this, Jesus told the parable of the unforgiving servant. He compared the Kingdom of God to a certain King who wanted to settle accounts with all his servants. One servant owed him 10,000 talents. When he was unable to pay, the King thought of selling him, his wife, children and all his property. But the servant begged for mercy. “ …Lord, have patience with me... Then the lord... was moved with compassion, and... FORGAVE him the debt.” (Matt. 18:26-27) H