It is not by might nor power, but by the Spirit of God, who lives in us. We have the Spirit of He who raised Jesus from death, we have Him in us. Therefore start exhibiting the nature of God, that is what He expects from you. This is the believer’s authority. God did not just leave us as orphans, He gave us His Spirit. He wants to see His sons doing great things on earth. He experts greater things from us more than what He did on earth. What is your testimony? Manifest the things of God, allow Him to explore. God opened a way for the Israelites, but His son walked on the surface of waters. Elijah commanded fire from heaven; Philip was transported from place to place—and I asked myself, was these things real? They were real, never think they were abstract. God wants us to have His kind of faith, to command things into existence as if they were already there. He just said let there be, and it was so. You don’t need bigger faith to move mountains, even as small as t...