God created man in his image and likeliness such that man’s actions will reflect His nature. The Bible says God breath into the body the breath of life which is the spirit. He created man in His shape and likeliness; from His Spirit. That’s why the Christian is born of the Spirit not of the flesh; we do not live by blood but by the spirit.
God gave man dominion and the authority to create; to subdue the earth. He did not just give us fish to eat, He also thought us how to fish. This is the believer’s authority, we can also say “let there be”. That is why Jesus said "it is finished" to notify that, God’s work on earth is done, He now carries His work through us. He is seated on His throne expecting a glorious end.
The Bible says at Mathew 18:18, 16:19 that, “… whatsoever thou shall bind on earth shalt be bound in heaven; whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth, shall be loosed in heaven” which means, heaven is backing us in authority. God did not gave us His power, but He gave us His Spirit!
Have you ever thought of that? He is not the power of God! He is His Spirit!!! I was thought from infancy that the Holy Spirit is the power of God. I thought He was a force, but I was wrong; the Holy Spirit is God Himself. This topic about God the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit was one topic I never wanted to know, but God gave me a tip of that which will be shared latter. For now, let us have a gist of that.
I remember an evangelism I attended on campus, which lead me to study about the Holy Spirit. After giving a powerful ministration to a serious candidate, he asked for my number and wanted me to be his spiritual friend. Then he said to me “…study about the Holy Spirit—who He or it—was”. In our local language, the question did not give the nature of the being he talked of, so you could not tell whether he had the idea of the Spirit being a force or a person. My spirit told me his thought, “he thinks Holy Spirit is the power of God
Upon studies, God revealed to me who He was. I got this from a single quotation in the first book of Corinthians, “For what man knowth the things of man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knowth no man, but the Spirit of God” (1 Cor. 2:11). I had search many scriptures of the Holy Spirit but this is the very scripture which revealed a bit of Him to me.
It says no man knows the things of man, other translations say, no man knows the thought of man; except the spirit of that particular man. You do not know the thoughts of your closest friend or partner, except his spirit (inner man). Even the devil does not know the things of man, the devil can not know what you are thinking except your very self which is the spirit. Only God knows my thoughts, the devil can’t do that, only God knows the thoughts of everyman.
Likewise no man knows the things and thoughts of God, except His Spirit (the Holy Spirit). This means THE INNER MAN OF GOD IS THE HOLY SPIRIT. The real Him is Him. that is it, the Holy Spirit is God and this very Spirit He gave to us. This explains why the Hebrew name of God is El-o-heem; which means gods in the ordinary sense. That is He, when the Israelites heard His Name, they were struggling to understand. He said; let US make man in OUR image and likeliness.
He is God, He is not a force, power nor an “it”. Neither is He a dove; many think the He is a dove--it's a big false. The Bible said He came down to the shoulder of Jesus like a dove. He is a person, He has emotions (Eph. 4:30). God said, “… it is not by might, nor by power, but by MY SPIRIT saith the Lord of host” (Zec.4:6). God did not compare power and might to His spirit. The power of God can never be equated to His Spirit.


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