
Showing posts from 2011

Spirit, Soul and Body after the Fall

Adam lived by the breath of life becoming spirit in him. By the spirit he sensed God, knew God’s voice, and communed with God. He had a very keen awareness of God. But after his fall his spirit died. When God spoke to Adam at the first He said, “in the day that you eat of it (the fruit of the tree of good and evil) you shall die” (Gen. 2.17). Adam and Eve nevertheless continued on for hundreds of years after eating the forbidden fruit. This obviously indicates that the death God foretold was not physical. Adam’s death began in his spirit. What really is death? According to its scientific definition, death is “the cessation of communication with environment.” Death of the spirit is the cessation of its communication with God. Death of the body is the cutting off of communication between spirit and body. So when we say the spirit is dead it does not imply there is no more spirit; we simply mean the spirit has lost its sensitivity towards God and thus is dead to Him. The exact situation

Soul and Man’s Self

Inasmuch as we have seen how soul is the site of our personality, the organ of volition and the natural life, we can easily conclude that this soul is also the “real I”—I myself. Our self is the soul. This too can be demonstrated by the Bible. In Numbers 30, the phrase “bind himself” occurs ten times. In the original it is “bind his soul.” From this we are led to understand that the soul is our own self. In many other passages of the Bible we find the word “soul” is translated as “self.” For instance: “You shall not defile yourselves with them” Lev. 11.43 “You shall not defile yourselves” Lev. 11.44 “For themselves and for their descendants” Esther 9.31 “You who tear yourself in your anger” Job 18.4 “He justified himself” Job 32.2 “But themselves go into captivity” Is. 46.2 “What every one (original, “every soul”) must eat, that only may be prepared by you” Ex. 12.16 “Who kills any person (original, “kill any soul”) without intent” Num. 35.11,15 “Let me (original, “let my soul”) die

The Soul Life

Some Bible scholars point out to us that three different words are employed in the Greek to designate “life”: (1) bios (2) psuche (3) zoe. They all describe life but convey very different meanings. Bios has reference to the means of life or living. Our Lord Jesus used this word when He commended the woman who cast into the temple treasury her whole living. Zoe is the highest life, the life of the spirit. Whenever the Bible speaks of eternal life it uses this word. Psuche refers to the animated life of man, his natural life or the life of the soul. The Bible employs this term when it describes the human life. Let us note here that the words “soul” and “soul life” in the Bible are one and the same in the original. In the Old Testament the Hebrew word for “soul”—nephesh—is used equally for “soul life.” The New Testament consequently employs the Greek word psuche for both “soul” and “soul life.” Hence we know “soul” not only is one of the three elements of man but also is man’s life, his


Aside from having a spirit which enables him to commune with God, man also possesses a soul, his self-consciousness. Hs is made conscious of his existence by the work of his soul. It is the seat of our personality. The elements which make us human belong to the soul. Intellect, thought, ideals, love, emotion, discernment, choice, decision, etc., are but various experiences of the soul. It has been explained already that the spirit and the body are merged in the soul which, in turn, forms the organ of our personality. That is why the Bible sometimes calls man “soul,” as though man has only this element. For example, Genesis 12.5 refers to people as “souls” (ASV). Again, when Jacob brought his entire family down to Egypt, it is recorded that “all the souls of the house of Jacob, that came into Egypt, were threescore and ten” (Gen. 46.27 ASV). Numerous instances occur in the original language of the Bible where “soul” is used instead of “man.” For the seat and essence of the personality


It is imperative that a believer know he has a spirit, since, as we shall soon learn, every communication of God with man occurs there. If the believer does not discern his own spirit he invariably is ignorant of how to commune with God in the spirit. He easily substitutes the thoughts or emotions of the soul for the works of the spirit. Thus he confines himself to the outer realm, unable ever to reach the spiritual realm. 1 Corinthians 2.11 speaks of “the spirit of the man which is in him.” 1 Corinthians 5.4 mentions “my spirit.” Romans 8.16 says “our spirit” 1 Corinthians 14.14 uses “my spirit.” 1 Corinthians 14.32 tells of the “spirits of prophets.” Proverbs 25.28 refers to “his own spirit.” Darby Hebrews 12.23 record “the spirits of just men.” Zechariah 12.1 states that “the Lord . . . formed the spirit of man within him.” The above Scripture verses sufficiently prove that we human beings do possess a human spirit. This spirit is not synonymous with our soul nor is it the same as

The Holy Temple and Man

“Do you not know,” writes the Apostle Paul, “that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?” (1 Cor. 3.16) He has received revelation in likening man to the temple. As God formerly dwelt in the temple, so the Holy Spirit indwells man today. By comparing him to the temple we can see how the tripartite elements of man are distinctly manifested. We know the temple is divided into three parts. The first is the outer court which is seen by all and visited by all. All external worship is offered here. Going further in is the Holy Place, into which only the priests can enter and where they present oil, incense and bread to God. They are quite near to God—yet not the nearest, for they are still outside the veil and therefore unable to stand before His very presence. God dwells deepest within, in the Holy of Holies, where darkness is overshadowed by brilliant light and into which no man can enter. Though the high priest does enter in once annually, it nonetheless

The Creation of Man

“And Jehovah God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul” (Gen. 2.7 ASV). When God first created man He formed him of dust from the ground, and then breathed “the breath of life” into his nostrils. As soon as the breath of life, which became man’s spirit, came into contact with man’s body, the soul was produced. Hence the soul is the combination of man’s body and spirit. The Scriptures therefore call man “a living soul.” The breath of life became man’s spirit; that is, the principle of life within him. The Lord Jesus tells us “it is the spirit that gives life” (John 6.63). This breath of life comes from the Lord of Creation. However, we must not confuse man’s spirit with God’s Holy Spirit. The latter differs from our human spirit. Romans 8.16 demonstrates their difference by declaring that “it is the Spirit himself bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God.” The original of th

Spirit, Soul and Body

The ordinary concept of the constitution of human beings is dualistic—soul and body. According to this concept soul is the invisible inner spiritual part, while body is the visible outer corporal part. Though there is some truth to this, it is nevertheless inaccurate. Such an opinion comes from fallen man, not from God; apart from God’s revelation, no concept is dependable. That the body is man’s outward sheath is undoubtedly correct, but the Bible never confuses spirit and soul as though they are the same. Not only are they different in terms; their very natures differ from each other. The Word of God does not divide man into the two parts of soul and body. It treats man, rather, as tripartite—spirit, soul and body. 1 Thessalonians 5.23 reads: “May the God of peace himself sanctify you wholly; and may your spirit and soul and body be kept sound and blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” This verse precisely shows that the whole man is divided into three parts. The Apost


It is not good for the Christian to be alone, you need a help meet, you need assistance to grow in Christ. They are many Christians who fall along the road all because they were alone. Being alone does not mean, having nothing around you, it simply means, not having someone of your own kind. If a singer falls in the midst of actors, he becomes lonely; because he doesn’t have someone of her own kind. The dog is lonely even with its master, even if the family presents are countless, it remains lonely because they are all human; they aren’t dogs. When the dogs encounter themselves, they play around and does not feel the loneliness; because it has found its help, of the same kind. So it is for Christians, you don’t have to be alone, have a Christian partner or friend. Share your faith to increase your Christian life. We don’t have to have only unbelievers as friends, the point that you are winning souls for Christ does not means you need to be on your own. Find a Christian partner,


We will start this message by explaining the meaning of Woman. From childhood, my friends made me understand that, the word woman came from the words “woe” and “man”. All along I thought women were a sign of warning to men. I had conceive the fact that women are dangerous to men which isn’t true. The Bible makes us understand that Adam called Eve woman because she was taken out of man. The book of Genesis chapter 2 verse 23 says “ And Adam said, this is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of man. ” This is what the Bible talks of Woman, the name means taken out of man. Other translation says, “because she came out of man.” Another tells us “she was made from man”, we see here that woman means taken out, or came from. The idea that women are dangerous to man is false, God did not give man a harmful foe, neither did He create a demon for us. God saw that man was alone, He considered the loneness of man; man was a


It is not by might nor power, but by the Spirit of God, who lives in us. We have the Spirit of He who raised Jesus from death, we have Him in us. Therefore start exhibiting the nature of God, that is what He expects from you. This is the believer’s authority. God did not just leave us as orphans, He gave us His Spirit. He wants to see His sons doing great things on earth. He experts greater things from us more than what He did on earth. What is your testimony? Manifest the things of God, allow Him to explore. God opened a way for the Israelites, but His son walked on the surface of waters. Elijah commanded fire from heaven; Philip was transported from place to place—and I asked myself, was these things real? They were real, never think they were abstract. God wants us to have His kind of faith, to command things into existence as if they were already there. He just said let there be, and it was so. You don’t need bigger faith to move mountains, even as small as t


“ …and let them have dominion over the fishes of the sea, and over the fowls of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepth upon the earth. ” (Gen. 1:26). God created man to have dominion over the earth and all thing that creeped upon the earth. He did not say some things, neither did He say-- on earth only, but God said all things that are on the earth and the things that creeps upon the earth. God made us the god of this world, he gave us authority on earth; we were made the managers of earth. All things on earth including things that creeps upon it. This is the soul of man, this is the free will God gave us. He did not make us robots to be controlled, but He gave us dominion. Dominion here means to rule over them, it means the power of choice. Though He created bravery in us, He made us the green of the world, He made us moving creature that can fly above the earth; we have the rule over them whether to manifest the


God created man in his image and likeliness such that man’s actions will reflect His nature. The Bible says God breath into the body the breath of life which is the spirit. He created man in His shape and likeliness; from His Spirit. That’s why the Christian is born of the Spirit not of the flesh; we do not live by blood but by the spirit. God gave man dominion and the authority to create; to subdue the earth. He did not just give us fish to eat, He also thought us how to fish. This is the believer’s authority, we can also say “let there be”. That is why Jesus said "it is finished" to notify that, God’s work on earth is done, He now carries His work through us. He is seated on His throne expecting a glorious end. The Bible says at Mathew 18:18, 16:19 that, “… whatsoever thou shall bind on earth shalt be bound in heaven; whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth, shall be loosed in heaven ” which means, heaven is backing us in authority. God did not gave us His pow


Often, even as new men, Christians find it difficult to forgive, because they least expected that that particular person would hurt them. The feeling is that if anybody would hurt you, it wouldn’t be this particular person. Sometimes best friends become worst enemies. Yes, even husbands and wives can become sworn enemies. The closest person who told you he loved and cared for you, can become your worst enemy. But as new men, we need to remember that God has forgiven us for lots of horrible things. To illustrate this, Jesus told the parable of the unforgiving servant. He compared the Kingdom of God to a certain King who wanted to settle accounts with all his servants. One servant owed him 10,000 talents. When he was unable to pay, the King thought of selling him, his wife, children and all his property. But the servant begged for mercy. “ …Lord, have patience with me... Then the lord... was moved with compassion, and... FORGAVE him the debt.” (Matt. 18:26-27) H


“And that ye put on the NEW MAN... Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.” ( Eph 4:24, 31&32. ) The Bible tells us that when we are born again, we become ‘new men’ , or ‘new creatures’ . When a man becomes a Doctor or an Army Officer, he is expected to behave in a certain way. In the same way, a certain pattern of behaviour is expected of anyone who claims to be a Christian or a ‘new man’. One of the primary qualities of a new man is that he forgives . The new man should not live in unforgiveness. According to Biblical principles, the new man must not live his life according to what goes on in this world. In the world, people hardly forgive. It is natural for a person not to forgive, but to seek revenge. However, when you become a new man, God expects you to forgive.